Cross sector solutions, Industry insights

Digitising citizen experiences in the public sector

Digitising citizen experiences in the public sector

Moving towards a more digitised and empowered society means public sectors have the opportunity to save millions as they evolve from old paper-based operational tasks to more secure, traceable and virtually paperless systems

For more than a decade, BBD, an international software solutions company, has partnered with public sector to harness the opportunities offered by revolutionary digitised solutions.

From paper, to digital, to cloud

Submitting a tax return, getting an identity document or passport should not have to be an arduous process and citizens expect high quality, secure and timely production of these documents. Doing away with outdated paper processes leads to fewer errors, higher security, and saves the environment at the same time. BBD’s public sector team works with their clients to achieve these outcomes through the use of innovative and reliable solutions.

BBD’s project lead and operations executive, with a focus on the public sector, Stephan Khabo, says, “Leveraging off our existing intellectual property, we’re able to deliver solutions in very short turnaround times.” BBD’s existing integration into other public sector organisations allow for safe and secure data exchange, and has a long-standing reputation for building reliable, innovative software systems that work.”

The expertise BBD brings to clients in the public sector include cloud, infrastructure and solution modernisation, combined technical expertise and industry knowledge, experience delivering to tight deadlines and solutions at speed.

Key capabilities enabled through the BBD’s software solutions

  • Automated tax processing
  • Branch queuing optimisation and reduction
  • Tax complaints and dispute resolution
  • Contact centre
  • Revenue debt collection
  • Biometrics live capture
  • Citizen and non-citizen movement control
  • Service and case management
  • Workflow

Through the Asset & Liabilities Management System, BBD enables a country’s governmental financial departments to effectively manage money and foreign markets, domestic and retail bond instruments, as well as housing schemes. BBD’s treasury-based solutions have includedbank reconciliation, capital and money market trading, case management and workflow, correspondence generation and foreign and domestic middle office. Further solutions have included foreign exchange trading, liquidity, risk and position management, preference shares and statutory and structure reporting.

“Technology has been playing a significant factor in our public sector organisations these days. Efficiency and a reduction in response times, along with maintaining high levels of security and fraud detection, have become a huge priority,” says Khabo. BBD’s cloud-based technology and digital solutions means the days of people standing in long queues to receive service from public sector organisations are coming to an end.

If you’re looking to digitise or create end-to-end citizen experiences from an international software solutions company with vast domain experience, get in touch with BBD.

What’s next? We’re ready!