Cloud enablement, Industry insights

Unveiling cloud transformation in the public sector

Unveiling cloud transformation in the public sector

Dive into the dynamic landscape of cloud transformation within the public sector, where innovation meets efficiency

Busting public sector cloud myths

Embark on a journey through cloud transformation within the public sector, beginning with a clean slate. Delve into dispelling common misconceptions about cloud migration, equipping you with accurate information to navigate the transformative landscape with confidence.

Myth #1: Moving to the cloud requires a massive transformation

Contrary to popular belief, moving to the cloud does not require a massive, all-or-nothing transformation. A survey conducted by Flexera revealed that 58% of organisations adopt a hybrid cloud strategy, leveraging both on-premises and cloud infrastructure, allowing for a phased migration approach. Further data from Gartner shows that by 2024, 75% of organisations will have deployed a hybrid cloud model, indicating a growing trend of gradual cloud adoption rather than a massive transformation.

Myth #2: Legacy systems make cloud migration impossible and very expensive

While it’s commonly thought that legacy systems pose insurmountable obstacles to cloud migration, a Deloitte study reveals that 77% of organisations have successfully integrated parts of their infrastructure into the cloud. At BBD, we firmly believe legacy systems should not hinder cloud migration. Ultimately, the integration of legacy systems with the cloud is both a practical and cost-effective reality.

For more comprehensive insights into cloud migration strategies, we invite you to explore our inaugural newsletter linked here.

Myth #3: Public sector organisations can move to the cloud with in-house resources

While in-house resources are valuable, cloud migration often requires specialised skills and expertise. Not all organisations have the necessary in-house capabilities to execute a seamless cloud migration. Partnering with a trusted cloud service provider or experts can accelerate the transition.

A study by 451 Research revealed that organisations leveraging external cloud migration services experienced 2.3 times faster cloud adoption rates compared to those relying solely on internal resources.

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Myth #4: Outsourcing is excessively risky

According to a survey conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 80% of organisations acknowledge that collaborating with external experts and service providers enhances their capacity to effectively handle cloud-related risks.

It’s essential to differentiate between strategic partnerships and unconsidered outsourcing. Collaborating with well-regarded cloud service providers, such as BBD, allows organisations to access valuable expertise and industry best practices. These collaborative partnerships ensure that security, compliance and governance requirements are meticulously addressed, while concurrently mitigating risks and fostering the prosperous adoption of cloud technology within the public sector.

Myth #5: Moving to the cloud is cheap

As we delve into the common misconception that cloud migration is a low-cost endeavour, let’s explore insights from our experts


Liesl Bebb-McKay, BBD Europe Business Development Director, underscores the importance of challenging this notion. While cloud adoption can yield long-term cost savings, it’s vital to recognise that it’s not inherently inexpensive. The journey involves initial investments in infrastructure, training, and data migration. Moreover, ongoing operational expenses, including subscription fees, maintenance, and data transfer costs, are factors to consider.


Werner de Jager, BBD Executive, reinforces that the true benefits of the cloud extend beyond mere cost savings. Often, the operational advantages surpass the associated expenses, especially for businesses that choose to migrate. The key to cost-efficiency lies in harnessing cloud-native technologies and exploring different commercial models.

Furthermore, migration partners can provide funding options to alleviate the burden of initial migration costs, ensuring a smoother transition. Organisations that prioritise operational benefits and consider the intangible costs involved tend to experience higher overall satisfaction with their cloud adoption journey.

As we dispel these myths, we’re now primed to delve deeper into understanding the cloud migration journey. In the next section, we explore the practical steps, strategies, and insights to move forward in our cloud migration journey.

Understanding the cloud migration journey

In this next segment, we’ll explore the key stages, strategies and insights that demystify the path to a seamless and successful transition to the cloud by equipping you with the knowledge and understanding to make your cloud migration journey practical, cost-effective and efficient. Let’s dive in.

Navigating the public sector cloud transformation

Challenges and considerations

Migrating to the cloud in the public sector presents a unique set of challenges and considerations. Understanding these factors is essential for a successful transition. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Security and compliance: Public sector organisations often deal with sensitive data. Ensuring that data remains secure and compliant with regulations during and after migration is a paramount concern
  • Legacy systems integration: Many public sector entities rely on legacy systems. Integrating these systems with modern cloud environments while maintaining functionality can be complex
  • Budget constraints: Public sector budgets may be limited. Finding cost-effective solutions while delivering on performance and scalability requirements is a constant challenge
  • Change management: Managing the transition and ensuring that staff are comfortable with new technologies and processes is vital
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Benefits of cloud adoption

While the challenges are significant, the benefits of cloud adoption in the public sector are equally compelling:

  • Cost savings: Contrary to the myth we debunked earlier, the cloud can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. By reducing infrastructure and maintenance costs, public sector organisations can allocate resources more efficiently
  • Scalability: The cloud allows organisations to scale their resources up or down as needed. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for public sector entities with varying workloads
  • Enhanced security: Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures, often surpassing what individual organisations can achieve. This leads to improved data protection
  • Collaboration and efficiency: Cloud solutions promote collaboration and efficiency through improved access to data and applications

Spotlight on public sector innovators

Now let’s turn our spotlight to the dynamic and innovative projects or initiatives from public sector organisations that are harnessing the transformative power of cloud technology.

BBD and Novus3: Revolutionising infrastructure planning

The challenge: In the public sector, the pressure to achieve more with fewer resources looms large. Efficient infrastructure planning is essential, particularly amidst rising demands for municipal services. Recent events, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, have underscored the urgency of this challenge.

The solution: In response to this challenge, BBD and Novus3 joined forces to embark on a transformative journey. With the might of AWS and the innovative CP³ web application, they are offering real-time project oversight, cost optimisation, and heightened security, fundamentally redefining infrastructure planning. This impactful collaboration empowers both public and private sectors to make informed decisions that ensure efficient, data-driven project execution.

Watch the success story here to discover the tangible solutions BBD and Novus3 bring to the realm of infrastructure management.

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Cloud migration strategies

Whether you’re considering your first steps into the cloud or seeking ways to optimise your existing setup, we have valuable insights to share.

Practical advice:

When planning your cloud migration, it’s crucial to have a well-defined strategy in place. Prioritise your workloads and applications, ensuring a phased approach that minimises disruption and guarantees a smooth transition. At BBD, we understand that each organisation’s cloud journey is unique, and a gradual approach can be highly effective. By leveraging technologies such as containerisation, microservices and APIs, you can modernise legacy systems and integrate them with cloud platforms. This approach allows for improved performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

Service models and deployment options:

Public sector organisations should also consider different cloud service models and deployment options. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) offer varying levels of control and flexibility. Additionally, the choice between public, private, and hybrid cloud deployments can significantly impact your organisation’s performance, security and compliance. It’s essential to align these choices with your specific needs and objectives. Take a gamble at the below diagram to better understand the differences between the cloud service models.


Unlocking the cloud’s potential

As you embark on your cloud migration journey, remember that the road is uniquely yours. It’s essential to have a well-defined strategy that aligns with your specific needs. You can choose from various service models and deployment options, tailoring your cloud setup for optimal performance.

If you’re looking to migrate, modernise or manage your cloud, book your FREE* 30-minute consultation with our experts here:

The cloud is yours to conquer, and we’re here to make that journey a success.

What’s next? We’re ready!