We recently ranked number one in My Broadband’s 2017 Salary Survey for the IT sector, indicating a high employee happiness rating. Over 3 000 South African IT professionals were surveyed.
BBD was also awarded a platinum seal in Deloitte’s 2017 Best Company Survey. This determines employees’ engagement with their organisation and measures the attractiveness of the organisation to both existing and potential employees.
Peter Searle, BBD CEO, says the organisation is delighted at its recent achievements. “Our people are the reason why we’ve been able to achieve these results. In today’s very challenging business environment, one of the few truly competitive advantages at an organisation’s disposal is their people.
Not only does a business need the best people, they must be happy and engaged.
He explains how the Deloitte platinum seal is the top award; ranking higher than Deloitte’s bronze, silver and gold awards. BBD’s Deloitte Best Company Index was 72.63 against a benchmark of 62.2, while the Engagement Index was 76.52 against a benchmark of 67.78. These results indicate that our employees are happy and believe the benefits of working at BBD are better than any other employer.
Searle believes while the MyBroadband results ratify Deloitte’s results and are very pleasing, there is no substitute for people in the business talking to each other to understand what challenges are being faced and how to address them.
“We could not have grown into South Africa’s oldest and largest independent custom software developer without our people. The quality of BBD’s employees is unrivalled, they are always willing to go the extra mile and their inherent knowledge of our clients’ sectors has ensured lasting relationships with clients.”
Having entered the Deloitte Best Company Survey for the last five years, we believe it provides absolute independence and anonymity for all employees in their responses. In addition, the survey allows us to benchmark against an international base, across a large group of employees.
Searle reiterates while the achievements are very rewarding, the real value lies in BBD’s people representing the BBD brand in every way.
“Good people with the right foundational skills and attitude are key requirements. We focus 100% on getting the best people to deliver value-adding systems to our clients. This involves a real passion for making sure our people are the best and have everything they need to remain the very best tech people in the world.”