Enabling digital residence and border management control

BBD was appointed to design, develop and implement functionality to drive the modernisation of a government department’s application processing and movement control management to eliminate business silos and drive a connected government.



  • Improve application turnaround times through prompt delivery of documents and outcomes to clients
  • Eliminate duplicate records within client and external stakeholder systems
  • Prevent fraudulent activity through secure business processes
  • Build a resilient and secure environment comprising integrated business processes



  • Mapped view of core business processes
  • Full view of different products and applications through integrated business functions
  • Single view of all clients interacting with the department via the new modernised system
  • Increased paperless initiatives through a push to go digital using modern technologies

Overview of the solution


As part of the client’s modernisation programme, identity document and passport application processes required updating. Key imperatives included the personalisation of all individuals’ experiences, protection of digital identities, improvement of government productivity and the fostering of innovation and transparency.

BBD designed, developed and implemented functionality to address a system for ID cards, passport enrolment, business and document distribution.

To date the following functions having been modernised, assisting in the client’s move towards paperless applications:

  • ID cards
  • Passports
  • Registrations of births
  • Reissuing of birth, marriage and death certificates
  • Electronic passenger movement control system

Our in-depth understanding of the overarching public sector environment and direct involvement with the existing modernisation project ensured effortless integration in a short amount of time, significant business value and the architectural value of a cohesive environment.



The existing ICT landscape and processes within the client were not integrated. Business areas were operating in silos across the different stakeholders, while trying to provide services to citizens and travelers in a secure manner. Hence the client expressed a need to have a single view of a person, be able to transform the traditional day-to-day operational functions, fight fraud and build a platform for a connected government.

Due to the complexity of the client’s many systems and touchpoints, BBD was central in mapping the core business processes and creating the glue to integrate the different business functions through end-to-end processes.

We not only delivered the current platform used at client branches – we also designed a system comprising case, workflow, orchestration, queue management and biometric capture capabilities. Utilising the biometric capture process has enabled the client to verify and capture artefacts using fingerprints, pictures and signatures. This has also dramatically decreased the time taken to produce citizen documents.

This system further facilitates the cross-border movement of legal and legitimate travelers, while controlling and limiting the migration of criminal and other illegal travelers. It comprises a modular and scalable solution for efficient biometric border control of departing and arriving travelers.

Impact of BBD’s partnership


While working as a technology partner to a separate public sector revenue management client, BBD enabled them to become a very efficient unit. Learnings from that project have also been rolled out here, to seamlessly transform paper-based processes into electronic functions.

Personalised applicant and traveler experiences

Through an omni-channel approach.

Improved government productivity

Increased operational efficiencies by using collaboration tools to tap into the diverse client environment for identity verification.

Fostered innovation and transparency

Government and public sector agencies to work with private and nonprofit entities to create open, common platforms to easily access data and collaborate on innovative solutions – with evidence of this already happening in the transportation, health, education and commerce sectors. Through collaboration and learnings, these agencies can dramatically multiply the impact of new, digitally-enabled services and experiences.

Protected digital identities

As people call for government to protect their increasingly threatened digital identities, so this government department must play a pivotal role in building trust in a world of digital mistrust, data breaches and misuse of information.

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